Saturday, December 29, 2018

2019, My Year of...

The frenzy of a new year is at the door again, and many 'my year of...' are beginning to roll out. Do I have anything against this? Absolutely not! However, my simple question is, what happened with 'your Year of...' in the year that is passing out? The slogans, no matter how catching and well framed as they may be, change nothing in themselves. But I hear somebody say, 'it's a prophetic declaration'. I know, but may I also remind you that every prophetic declaration has a commensurate work required of those that receive them.

No matter what you believe the coming year to be, bear this in mind, there's work to be done. Even manna, when it fell in the wilderness, the people still had to leave their tents to pick them. So, if 2019 has been declared to be your Year of Manna, don't forget that manna will not come into your house, you will still have to go out and get it. Therefore, in 2019, roll up your sleeves, buckle your sandals, gird your loins, and get to work. Having so worked, you can then speak your 'Year of...' prophetic word over your endeavours. Meet you in 2019 by the grace of God. Shalom!

I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year of your prophetic tone.
