Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I am not Ashamed of the Gospel

I'm not ashamed of the Good News. It is God's power to save everyone who believes, Jews first and Greeks as well. Romans 1:16

Why would Paul say that he is not ashamed of the gospel? The gospel's association with the death on the cross, which was the most shameful way to die, could have meant that those associated with it also associated with the shame of the cross. It was this shame that the apostle Paul referred to. This may not be the same in our time, but there are other things that seek to make the gospel a thing to be ashamed of. It may be a class cult, or a cultural thing, whatever it may be, nothing in this world should make us ashamed of associating with the gospel, because according to Paul, it is the power of God for the salvation of all who will believe. 

Paul called the gospel the power of God. This is one place in all of scripture that the power of God is defined and it settles with finality what it means to exercise the power of God. It is so unimposing but yet so powerful. It is so seemingly weak, yet the most outstanding demonstration of power. I see in this the great respect that God has for us, that even though the gospel is such powerful, yet it does not force itself on anyone. God respects our free will and will never violate it, even by a gospel so powerful. Ultimately, it is left to us to choose to respond in one way or another to the appeal of the gospel. 

One great appeal of the gospel is not that God calls us to respond to Him because He is God, but because He loves us. In the gospel we find a loving God appealing to us through the display of His love on the cross. This is gospel's great power.
