Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Twice have I Heard

God has spoken once; twice have I heard. Ps. 62:11

In this psalm, the Psalmist reveals to us the matter of a second hearing. According to him, God spoke to him once, but he heard what was said to him twice. But how can one hear God twice? I believe that this is a central need for all who want to follow God in a world full of diverse voices. We all have the apparatus of the physical ear to hear the word of God that comes by way of the proclamation of the gospel, but if this is all we do, hearing the first time, it does not do us much good. The second hearing is not a physical hearing, it is a spiritual hearing done with our spiritual ears. It is this hearing that brings understanding and revelation by which God’s mind is made known to us. It is this second hearing that revealed to the Psalmist that power belongs to God.

Many people have heard it said that power belongs to God, but it only becomes a revelation when we hear it told us in our spirit by God that all power belongs to Him. Jesus touched on this subject in His teachings on the parable of the sower in Matt. 13:13 when He said, “...hearing they hear not, neither do they understand”. The reason they don’t understand is because they hear, but hear not. There are people who hear, but hear not; and there are those that hear, and hear. The first only hear with the physical ears, but have no understanding and revelation; the others who hear, and hear received understanding and revelation. The significant difference between these two groups of people is basically the condition of their hearts.

Those that come to the word of God with the sole desire of hearing from God, position themselves to hear twice; but those that come for other reasons apart from hearing and doing God’s word only hear what men say and lack spiritual understanding and revelation in the knowledge of God that only comes by hearing and hearing what was said once. According to Jesus, the latter group hear and hear not. So, how do you hear? Do you hear and hear or do only hear once?
