
Toni Akose Ogobegwu heads a multi-faceted ministry that include the Word Church International and Neighbourhood Teaching Ministry.

The Word Church International is an end time church that is particularly committed to preparing God’s people for promised return of Christ.

Neighbourhood Teaching Ministry is a mission oriented outfit. Among the many things done in NTM are:

The Tiv people live in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria and are believed to be somewhat related to the patriarch Abraham. Historically, their ancestors fought the Muslim jihadist as they matched south-south ward and so prevented the spread of Islam to that area of Nigeria. In 2003 the Lord led me to the traditional headquarters of the Tiv people, Gboko. From that time till day, two prospering missionary outreaches have been started, they include: Turning Tiv, Marriage to God, Back to the Bible Ministers and Church Workers Forum.

Turning Tiv Marriage to God, addresses marriage related issues that are tailored to suit the marriage needs of the Tiv people. In 2004, while preparing for one of our outreaches to Tiv land, the Lord gave me a prophetic word that has been fulfilled each time I went to teach on marriage in Tiv land. In it He told me that He will give the people a heart to turn their marriages to Him and everyone that comes to me meetings will leave with great rejoicing.We have local pastors in the land who function as coordinators of the Neighbourhood Teaching Ministry in Tiv land. Through these coordinators, we are able to penetrate into the interior villages and hamlets. In one of these villages we met the council of chiefs who attended our meetings and have asked for an enlarged meeting with all the chiefs and elders of the community. This we hope will be coming up in 2011.

Since most our missions are in the rural areas, it became needful that the transforming marriage message taught people in the rural places of Tiv land be made available to those in the cities also. This became the reason for the radio marriage outreach broadcast. The first quarter broadcast dealt with foundation stones that help turn marriage to God and general misconceptions about marriage. It is planned to start from Lagos and then spread to other cities in the nation. Recently we began to broadcast our marriage message on a radio station in the UK.

Back to the Bible Ministers and Church Workers Forum started in July 2010 in a little Tiv village called Ahumbe. This mission aims at helping young and upcoming ministers and church workers to base their ministries entirely on what the Bible says. This is a quarterly teaching outreach.

Fathers online Assembly This is a unique interactive ministry to fathers and in it we try to get men across all spectrum to discuss issues that affect fathering in the 21st century. Fathers are challenged on all fronts in our time but most times, they are without any direct ministry to help them get along in difficult times. Children are all over the place struggling to cope with life without a father image because something, sometime, and somewhere stole their fathers from them. In Fathers online Assembly, we try to provide resources that will enable fathers take on their responsibility of fatherhood with delight.

The Word Church International is an end-time ministry whose mandate is to help prepare God’s people for the return of Jesus Christ. To this end, we have a regular yearly conference in which God’s people are taught to be watchful as Jesus commanded us to do in Mark 13:35. “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.” 

The church also runs a vibrant Teenagers Church that focuses on the needs of teens. A yearly teen camp is held that gathers teenagers from different locations in our locality.