All of God's blessings rest on what was done on the cross. The cross removes all the limits that sin and the law brought about to man. The first first limit, being how far one could draw near to God. When Jesus breathed His last, the veil was rent from top to bottom, making entrance into the holiest place open to all who express faith in Jesus Christ. Now we can come boldly into the presence of the majesty of heaven, knowing that we are welcome. Praise God!
Next, we are given the person of the Holy Spirit who gives us a new prayer language that enables us to pray beyond the limits of our minds. Now we can pray in a new prayer language that is a mystery to both men and spirits, and be assured that we are heard.
Next, we are given the person of the Holy Spirit who gives us a new prayer language that enables us to pray beyond the limits of our minds. Now we can pray in a new prayer language that is a mystery to both men and spirits, and be assured that we are heard.
Furthermore, now we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. In Christ, God has taken us beyond the limits that our human energy is able to do for us. But it must never be forgotten that all of these are made possible only because Jesus, who was fully God, undertook to become a man and die on the cross for us, and it was a horrific death.
The cross, as dreadful as it was, became God's means of taking mere mortals like us, and making us sons and daughters of the Most High God. This is beyond all limits! All of these should hold us indebted to God, and our response to this indebtedness is to live in such ways that will show the world the wonders of His grace.