Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Just a Regular Guy Thinking

I am not a theologian, nor am I a philosopher, I am just a regular guy applying commonsense to everyday life. Today I want to appeal to commonsense to understand what, in my layman's opinion, should not be assigned to philosophical or scientific disputation. 

How do I know that there is an intelligent Creator who made all things? Remember, I am just a regular guy trying to look at life from an uncomplicated point of view and make sense out of it. 

I took time recently to examine the sexes and the very defined roles each of them play in keeping the world going as it is. Whoever, or whatever is responsible for their being made the male species (to be the seed carrier), and the female species (to be the egg carrier), designed that by the copulation of these two, life of every living creature on earth is sustained. Oh, but I hear the wise man of this world say, this just happened by mere chance, there's no designer responsible for it. Seriously! I will like for more of such chance occurrences to be frequent in our world. Come on now! Commonsense tells me that this can only come about by someone intelligent. This is just me thinking, a regular guy, applying commonsense to understand the the things that I see in this world. 

Whatever you call the designer of this complex species of male and female, whether you call Him God or any other name you like, just don't call him Nothing, because it will take more faith than commonsense to believe that Nothing made the male to bear the seed, and the female to bear the eggs, the male to have a penis, and the female to have a virgina and womb. Again, don't forget that I am just a regular guy, who loves Jesus, applying commonsense to everyday life in order to make sense out of it. 
What do you think? 
