
Thank you for taking time to visit our donation page. You see, to produce an original tract or to reproduce an existing one on the Internet and to maintain a website involve a lot of money. This is not easy for one person or just a few. To produce an original tract or to reproduce an existing one, we have to pay a typist and a proofreader to type and proofread the tracts before they are published on the Internet. The website hosting and registration are also renewed annually.

We hereby solicit your financial support in order to help us continue to publish more tracts and maintain this website for the propagation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ until He comes.

No amount is too small. In appreciation to your kindness, we will endeavor to include you and your business in our prayer list. Our prayer partners are praying tirelessly for those who are part of this vision. This is the Great Commission the Lord has given to every believer to go into the world and preach the gospel (Matthew 28:19). We appreciate your kind donation but Jesus appreciates it more.
Click here to give your voluntary donation.