Thursday, December 13, 2018

He that is Washed

"Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all." John 13:10

In ancient times, they went to the river to bath, and upon return from the river, they had need only to wash their feet of the dust that settled on it. It was this imagery that Jesus used to speak to Peter. Those who have believed in Christ are washed in the river of regeneration which is done once, therefore, they have no need for another bath, what they need is to wash their 'feet', which was a type of confessing of their sins when they sinned. 

(Exodus 30:17-21)
The tabernacle aptly illustrates this this truth. At the gate of the tabernacle was the altar of burnt offering where animals were offered (A type of the cross). The destination of the priest was the Holy of holies, symbolic of the presence of God where the believers have fellowship with the Son and Father. But no priest could proceed into the holy place without washing at the laver.

It was a presumptuous act for a priest to contemplate proceeding into the holy place without washing at the laver, just as it is for a believer to contemplate fellowship (intimacy) with the Son and the Father with unconfessed sin. 1 John 1:7-10. In the tabernacle, the cleansing was with water, but in Christ, the cleansing is by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is important to emphasise that there can be no fellowship with the Son and Father when there is unconfessed sin.

"Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast NO PART WITH ME." John 13:8

Having understood that the washing of the feet is symbolic of confessing of sin, the words of Jesus Christ in John 13:8, where He told Peter that if He doesn't wash his feet, he (Peter) would have no part WITH Him, can be better understood because Jesus did not say that Peter will not have a part IN Him but with Him. This is because he was already in Him by regeneration. Every true believer has a part in Christ, but not everyone in Christ has a part with Him. Having a part in Christ speaks of relationship, whilst having a part with Him speaks of fellowship. Peter was already washed, therefore, he was in Christ, he only needed for his feet to be washed.
