Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lust, which war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11
In this remarkable verse, the apostle, Peter, reveals what the mission of fleshly lusts is: they war against our souls. Against these fleshly lusts, he advised that we abstain from them. In other words, we are to withdraw ourselves from them, and have nothing to do with them because they are not our friends, in fact, they are instruments that the devil uses to wedge war against our souls.
But think of inviting someone who is your enemy, who is looking for any opportunity to harm you, into your home; but you do not only give him shelter, you also feed him, and make strong, but his strength is to your destruction. This is exactly what we do when we harbour the lusts of the flesh in our lives, we arm them to war against our souls.
But what are these fleshly lusts? Apostle Paul, in Galatians 5:17, called them works of the flesh, and went on to give a comprehensive list of them. It will be helpful to look up that list, and determine that none of them is allowed a place in your life. The apostle Paul, writing to the Romans, admonished them not to make provision for the flesh. What he said to them, he says to us also, make no provision for the flesh because they will hurt us.
In this remarkable verse, the apostle, Peter, reveals what the mission of fleshly lusts is: they war against our souls. Against these fleshly lusts, he advised that we abstain from them. In other words, we are to withdraw ourselves from them, and have nothing to do with them because they are not our friends, in fact, they are instruments that the devil uses to wedge war against our souls.
But think of inviting someone who is your enemy, who is looking for any opportunity to harm you, into your home; but you do not only give him shelter, you also feed him, and make strong, but his strength is to your destruction. This is exactly what we do when we harbour the lusts of the flesh in our lives, we arm them to war against our souls.
But what are these fleshly lusts? Apostle Paul, in Galatians 5:17, called them works of the flesh, and went on to give a comprehensive list of them. It will be helpful to look up that list, and determine that none of them is allowed a place in your life. The apostle Paul, writing to the Romans, admonished them not to make provision for the flesh. What he said to them, he says to us also, make no provision for the flesh because they will hurt us.