Monday, August 3, 2020

The School of Commonsense

Many people have not graduated from the school of commonsense, and have proceeded to schools of higher postulations. No wonder they are so confused about things that are clearly taught in the school of commonsense. In the school of commonsense, laboratories, stethoscopes, and analytical postulations are not needed to grasp the truth that nothing cannot bring about something; even though it is well known in this school that something can come out of nothing, and that for this to happen, there has to be a Creator.

Commonsense is never in dispute regarding these commonsensical truths that can be observed in nature. Such truths as male and female being distinct from each other; and that the child in the mother's womb is fully human are commonsensical truths known to the most primitive in this school. O how gracious commonsense is! And the most wonderful thing about this school is that there is no tuition fee to be paid! It's entirely free! 

So, may I suggest that before you advance to the school of science, technology, and philosophy, you first enroll in the school of commonsense. Here, the teacher is our grand old nature, and there is no graduation from this school, you just keep learning, and learning, and learning. Welcome to the school of commonsense where simple observations from nature instruct.
