Monday, December 31, 2018


Some days ago I wrote about the frenzy of another new year, today, I write to invite you to a 2019 that will be the product of strategic planning and smart work.

First, let's say that there's nothing magical about a New Year. It will ever remain a product of whatever you put into it day by day. Soon this coming New Year will be like the present passing out year. Rather than celebrating the coming year, the thing to really celebrate is what you made of the passing year. Is 2018 going into the archive of lost years? If it is, no problem, but determine to change the course of the coming year, by strategically repositioning yourself, so that when 2019 begins to come to an end, there will things to celebrate, and not just the frenzy of another new year.

A look at the creation account of the earth in Genesis will reveal that God was strategic and smart in creation. Creation was a highly organised project revealing smart work and hard work. You and I will do well studying the creation account and see how God brought things to be by smart work.

I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.
