Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Looking for True Love?

John 3:16

Look to the God revealed in the bible. He showed that we can relate with Him in a very personal way by taking the initiative to love us. Everyone needs love, but sadly, many look for it in places and things where it cannot be found. One of the most categorical statements of the bible is that God is love and He demonstrated His love to the world in the death of Christ on the cross. John 3:16. The amazing wonders of the love of God is that it is available to even those who hate Him. Romans 5:8. The apostle Paul could say, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20). 

Are you looking for true love? It can only be found in the self-giving, self-sacrifice commitment of God in Christ Jesus.

When people fail to see that true love can only be found in God, they look for it in other ways like human friendship. As wonderful as friendship is, it does not match with what true love means. I am sure that you know that no matter how desiring, to love at all times, a friend may be, the truth is he may fail at some point in time. But true love has no capacity to fail. 

This is what God offers to all who are looking for true love. In fact, God, in offering love to the world, is really offering Himself to us, because He is love. God, in loving us, is not just giving us something that He has, He is giving us Himself. And in giving us Himself, He held back nothing, He became a man and died on the cross for even His enemies. 

In Christ Jesus we find answer to our quest for a personal God and true love. A God who is touched by the struggles we daily face in life, because He Himself also experienced the same struggles, but overcame them, therefore He is best positioned to help us.
