Monday, January 21, 2019

Full of Grace

John 1:14

The early apostles saw the Word that became flesh, but what exactly did they see? Part of what they saw was grace that was full. The apostle Paul, writing about this grace in 2 Corinthians 8:9 said, "For we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."

It is interesting to see how the Lord Jesus Christ, who we are told is full of grace (this grace described in part, by the apostle Paul to mean that He was rich), exchanged His position of wealth for our place of poverty, so that we can come into His position of wealth.

Another aspect of His grace that was seen by His apostles is His perfect righteousness, yet He became sin for our sakes, that by Him becoming sin, we can become His perfect righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21. The amazing, wonderful, and astonishing thing in all of these is that in these divine exchanges, we are given the exact same perfect righteousness and riches as Jesus Christ. For us to say that in Christ, we are as righteous as Jesus Christ will not be sacrilegious, and to say that in Christ, we are as wealthy as Him, will not also be taking too much to ourselves.

These are true positional statements of our faith. It is now left to us to walk by faith in the word of God and the Holy Spirit, to translate into our daily experience what is entirely true of our position in Christ Jesus. The apostle Paul, writing in 2 Timothy 3:16 said that by the word of God, we can train ourselves in righteousness, not only in righteousness, but also in everything that Christ made possible by His death on the cross.
