Wednesday, October 3, 2018

When they will not Endure sound Doctrine

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers. 2 Timothy 4:3

The apostle Paul prophesied of a time to come when people will hate to hear the truth, and instead, they will turn their attention to teachers who will tell them what they will like to hear instead of what they need to hear. 

The world is redefining truth to suit its rebellion against God, and this can be understood, but when believers are caught up in this same web, then we can rightly say that that time prophesied by Paul has arrived in the church. Today's culture wants to redefine truth by its claim that truth evolves with time. But whatever evolves cannot be truth. For example, the truth is that a person can either be a man or a woman. 

The medium by which truth is communicated can change from age to age, yet, truth itself remains unchanging. The truth is that sin will always be sin in the judgment of God; the death of Jesus did not redefine sin, nor did it remove its evilness. Sin will ever remain sin, and it will always attract the severe judgment of God. Grace truly reconciled the sinner to God, but not sin to God.

The danger for the Christian is not in the denial of obvious truth like calling a born male woman. The greatest danger lies in a little error sprinkled over a mass of truth such that it will take only the spiritually discerning to recognise it.
