Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Patience of God

One of the attributes of God that we all know is His patience, yet, it is top of the list of His likeness that many of us are lacking. Have you ever wondered how God is able to lovingly accommodate us, with all our inconsistencies and failings? The answer is found in His patience. A patient person is able to accommodate the failings of others and still be himself, not allowing the failings of others determine how he responds to them. This is what is required of everyone in any kind of relationship that is expected to succeed. Unlike God, we, like all the people that we are relating with, are imperfect and inconsistent. Knowing that we, like those in relationship with us, are imperfect should inspire us to seek God to help us walk patiently towards others that we are relating with, even as we ourselves will like others to act patiently towards us in our failings.

A patient person will relate with others who may be behaving imperfectly, while waiting for them to overcome their present flaws. He understands that relating successfully with imperfect persons require patience. If you desire to have a successful relationship, then you must develop the trait of patience. When someone tells you to be patient with someone else, what you are being told is to accommodate his shortcomings. 
