Monday, December 17, 2018

Jesus Christ, Son of God, is God

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Mark 1:1

This opening statement of Mark about the nature of Jesus Christ is most important because the apostle does leave us to determine who Jesus is. He therefore opens up his gospel by a categorical statement that Jesus is the Son of God. If his gospel account is closely followed, it will be observed that more than anything else, he strives to show the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Right next to the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God is followed by a reference to an Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah that Mark says finds its fulfilment in Christ. The Holy Spirit, writing through Mark, presents Jesus as the Lord of Isaiah 40:3. Nothing can be more defining of the personality of Jesus, as deity, as this verse.

One of the most recurring truths about Jesus in the NT is that He is the Son of God. If He is the Son of God, can He then be anything less than God? The son of man is man, though he be different from the father. He shares a common human nature with the father even though he is different from the father. There's no ambiguity in saying that the son of a person shares the same attributes as the father even though the father may be greater. Jesus is the Son of God and shares the same attributes as the Father, even though the Father is greater than the Son. 

Jesus said of the Father, "My Father that sent Me is greater than Me " At another time He said, "My Father and I are one" showing their equality in 'Godhood'. Both the Father and the Son are God, yet, the Father is greater than the Son, hence He can send Him. That the Father sends the Son does not change the nature of the Son. They both share the same nature. My father and I are both humans, that is our nature, yet, he is greater than me because he is my father and can send me.
