Saturday, May 24, 2014

With God all Things are Possible

With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mark 10:27
Many people who came to Jesus for help had reached the point in their lives when they knew that help could come from nowhere else but from God; they had tried all means known to them, but found them unhelpful, so in desperation, they turned to Jesus. Outside of Jesus, their cases were hopeless. At times we are also faced with life threatening challenges that have defied all known human solutions. Where do we go from there? Despair results if we continue to seek solution where we know it cannot be found: with man. But in the face of such situations, we must come to Jesus, because with Him nothing is without solution. The equation changes the moment we bring Christ into the situation.
Are you faced with a situation today that is termed an impossible one and you are wondering how to get out of it? As long as you have your eyes on man for help, that impossible situation will continue to reside with you. for a moment it may pay off to look away from what man can do and rather put your total trust in the power of God that doesn’t fail. I understand that there are times when we think that man is nearer to us than God is and so it seems most rational to look for a man, but nothing can be further from the truth than that because God is nearer at any time than the nearest person is to you. But you must come in total trust, knowing that He is able and willing to do what none else can do for you. Many have failed to receive help from God because they came to try if God can do it for them. But we must come to God knowing and trusting that He is able and willing to do something about our needs.
God invites you today to cast all those cares upon Him because He cares for you like none else does. You can trust Him. I pray that God intervenes in your situation with His mighty power and bring you the change you have longed to experience as you trust Him today, in Jesus name. Amen.