Monday, May 26, 2014

Being Thankful

Bless the Lord O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgives all my iniquities; who heals all my diseases. Who redeemed my life from destruction and crowed me with His loving kindness and tender mercies. Bless the Lord O my soul. Psalm 103
Many times we get overwhelmed by the needs that are calling to be met in our lives that we fail to remember that many other things have happened that we have not taken out time to be thankful to God for. Could it be possible that some of those things we are crying about are really the answers to what we need? But be that as it may, it is important to know that whenever we are careful to review what we have received as against what we seem not to have, we shall always see that God has done far more than we ever could have had the wisdom or courage to ask for. This is because He does far more than we are able to imagine or ask. If we are rightly thinking, we cannot but be thankful to God. Thanksgiving is a central pillar of our faith and an unthankful Christian is a faithless Christian.
Our thanksgiving should not only be limited to the things we have but also to the things we thought we should have but don’t have. The love of God forbids Him to give us everything we want just because we want them; in not giving us some of the things we ask of, He is in them protecting us from harm that we don’t have wisdom enough to avoid. In all, we can be thankful knowing that God is good and that He is inspired by love in all the things He gives or does not give to us. So, I urge you to consider starting and ending each day with thanksgiving to God as nothing can be more appropriate for a child of God; and as you come into this new week, I pray that your thanksgiving will not be limited, in Jesus name. Amen.