Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spiritual 'Insurance' Cover

For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col. 3:3
Many things threaten our lives in an evil world; it may be a powerful boss in the office who hates to see our face or a colleague who feels threatened by our rapid promotion in the office or even by close friends who think that we are bragging about what God is doing for us and certainly, Satan himself whose full time work is our misery. There is no limit to where or what an evil minded person will do to execute his evil but it does not matter where they go or what they do, if you are in a covenant relationship with God through Christ Jesus, you are fully secured. Your safety or otherwise depends on where your life is in. If you are in Christ, God guarantees your safety. Before the enemy can get to you, he has first to overcome Jesus, overcome the Father and then get to you. How impossible you may say. This is the protective cover that God has provided for those who run to Him for salvation. It’s like groundnuts in a sealed bottle; no matter how hungry a chicken is, it cannot get to the nuts in the bottle. But once a nut gets out of its secure cover, it becomes food to the chicken. The same is true for the Christian, as long as he remains in the secret of the Most High, he is secure.
In Christ, you have a spiritual insurance cover policy that no devil can overcome and it is available free of charge. All that is required of you to enjoy this insurance cover is to remain steadfast in Christ. Satan uses sin to lure Christians out of this secure fortress but as long as we keep ourselves from sin, he is incapacitated.
I pray that you stay secured in this spiritual insurance cover that is provided by God in Christ Jesus.