Thursday, May 29, 2014

When I Get There

And Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him... Genesis 12:4
God called Abram to leave his native land and head for an unknown land that He will cause him and his descendants to inherit; in faith and obedience, he left for the land unknown. I imagine that his friends may have come to him when they saw him packing his belongings for the journey and asked him the most natural question: ‘Abram, where are you going to?’ and in response he may have told them, ‘I don’t know but when I get there I will know’. I imagine he may have told them, “When I get there, I will know”. As we read the story of Abraham’s faith and obedience we find no place where God explicitly told him he had arrived at the Promised Land. But by faith when he got there he knew it was the right place and he built an altar to consecrate the land to God. This is one aspect of Abraham’s story that is not often told: “I will know when I get there”. He may have gone through many nations on his way to the Promised Land but none of them seemed to him to be the land that God spoke to him about until he got to Canaan. The question is, how did he know that Canaan was the place that God spoke to him about? It must have been by faith. He found the Promised Land by faith.
Are you looking for something you don’t know, but you know God has promised? It may be a person to marry; or business opportunity and you are waiting on God to make it known to you. Could it be that like Abraham, God wants you to know by faith? There was ‘something’ in Abraham that acted like a metre to indicate to him where the right place was and when he got there, the indicator alerted him that he had reached. What could this indicator be? It is peace. Peace is an indicator that God gives us to know what is not known. In Colossians 3: 15 (AMP) tells us, ‘and let peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds...’ When you don’t have peace in your mind regarding any choice or decision you are about to make, it is an indicator that it is either the wrong thing to do or the wrong time to do it.