Friday, May 23, 2014

Hope in a Turbulent World

As you listen to tales of the happenings in the world today the tendency is for fear to come as you observe the speed with which evil is spreading in our world. According to the words of Jesus there shall be wars and rumours of wars close to the time of His return and we are seeing these fulfilled on a global and local scale. In the midst of all of these events, one may be tempted to wonder if there is hope of safety for the righteous. It is true that the world is aflame with violence like no other time has witnessed but those that seek refuge in Christ are guaranteed safety in Him. Psalm 91 assures the redeemed that he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And he will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Powerful!
If you can believe this as a promise from the Most High God, then you can say like the Psalmist, with all confidence that the Lord is your refuge and no harm shall come near you in a troubled world. You can transfer this confidence to every area of your life and be sure that the Lord has a perfect plan in place to keep you through all times. The only thing required of you is to stay in His will because you cannot do your own will and expect His will to be done in your life just like the man who prayed, “your kingdom come and my will be done.”
God bless you and have a wonderful day filled with the presence of God.