2020 has been, for many people, a turbulent year depending on how one views it. I hear many people say, "Thank God, 2020 is finally ending". I liken 2020 as the period when Israel was in Egypt under a cruel king. But in the midst of their sufferings, God remembered them and sent them a deliverer named Moses. Israel left Egypt in a hurry and went into the wilderness on their way to the land that flowed with milk and honey, a land which God had promised to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
But in the wilderness, on their way to the Promised Land, they encountered many challenges, and how they fared in those challenges depended on their faith and obedience. Sadly, they were lacking in these two needs. As a result of their unbelief and disobedience, most of them did not enter the Promised Land, and those who entered did so after forty years.
I liken 2021 as Israel's wilderness journey. Moses was God's instrument in leading Israel through the wilderness, but they constantly walked at cross-purposes with him, and the outcome was fatal for them. Jesus is our leader through this wilderness that I call 2021, and what each person does with Him will determine what this year will be. Those who relentlessly follow Jesus will experience His presence at all times and be reassured that even though they may walk through the fire, they will not be consumed, and when they walk through the floods, they will not be destroyed by the floods. Lastly, 2021 will be to each of us what we do with Jesus.
Happy 2021