Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Growing in your Faith

We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith grows exceedingly, and the charity of everyone of you all toward each other abounds2 Thessalonians 1:3

The growth in faith happens as one grows in his knowledge of Christ and what He did on the cross. So, let's try and tabulate some of the things that result from what happened on the cross. First, we are reconciled to God, meaning that He is now at peace with us. How, you may ask, does knowing this advance one's faith? When you know that what Christ did on the cross resulted in reconciliation with God, you will cease attempting to do anything to reconcile you with Him. When this truth is not crystal clear, there can be no significant growth in faith. This was Apostle Paul's concern for the Galatian church who were attempting to add the keeping of the law of Moses to their faith in Christ. 

Next, on the cross, the veil was torn from top to bottom, making the entrance into the presence of God open to all who will believe in what Christ did there. Those who know this truth will seek no other means of getting into the presence of God, but not knowing this will mean trying to reach God by some other means. 

Simply put, growth is advancing in the knowledge of Christ and Him crucified. This is why Apostle Paul determined not to know anything, except Christ and Him crucified. The same will be true for us too if we desire to grow in the faith. There are many who are ignorant of the truth of what happened on the cross, but want to grow in the faith, and they spend time praying, and don't misunderstand me, prayer is important, but you don't grow in the faith because you pray much. You will grow in the faith by growing in your knowledge of what transpired on the cross. There are deep things of the cross that will take diligent study to discover, and as these truths are known, and applied in our daily lives, faith will also grow. 
