Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Efficacy of the Blood

In Egypt, every firstborn who was in the house that was sprinkled with the blood of the lamb was fully secured from the angel of death. They couldn't be half secured, as long as they were under the cover of the blood, they were fully secured from the angel of death. The same is true for everyone who is under the cover of the blood of Jesus Christ, they are fully secured from the coming wrath of God against sin. In the same way that all who are under the cover of the blood in Egypt were safe, all those under the blood of the Lamb of God are secured, no harm can come near them. The blood does not only potentially save those under it, it fully saves them. This is the power of the blood of Jesu Christ. 

In the same way that those under the blood of the Passover Lamb, in Egypt, were not hoping to be saved, they were saved, and they knew that they were saved. But the only reason they were sure of their safety was because the word of God proclaimed it so. So it is for us too, we are not sure that we are secured under the blood by any other means, but that the word of proclaims that those who are under the blood of Jesus are secured. 

For those Israelites in Egypt, their salvation from the power of Pharaoh was complete, it didn't depend on how they felt, it depended on what the word of God said, so, as long they stayed with the word, they were assured of their freedom. They didn't own their freedom to meritorious work which they did, it was dependent entirely on the faithfulness of God to His promise. The same is true with us in Christ.
