Wednesday, June 3, 2020

When we Deny Jesus

But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. Matthew 10:33

In this verse, Jesus shows us two things, first, the possibility of denying Him before men, and then, the consequences of doing so. But why would a person deny Jesus? The most common reason is to save one's life. If, for example, you are confronted with the option of acknowledging that you are a follower of Jesus and being killed, or denying that you know Him and be freed from death. To deny knowledge of Him in order to live is to deny Jesus. In many cases, it may not be death that is involved, it may be the withholding of some sort of comfort. Whatever you choose against Jesus is the same as denying Him. 

When this happens, Jesus said that He will also deny that He knows you before His Father in heaven. Those who know that they ceased to live when they came to Jesus will not have any problems acknowledging that they know Him,  even if it means the loss of physical life because they know that the life they now have is that of Christ, and that life does not subsist just in flesh and blood. It is a life that cannot be killed. Jesus said that we are not to fear those who can only kill the flesh, and after that, can do no more. Rather, we are to fear God who is able to both kill and cast into hell. 

Christ has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, but this assurance does not guarantee that we will not deny Him. If we readily side with things that are against His will for us in simple things, how shall we not deny knowledge of Him when it involves a threat to our lives? Let's begin by first learning to side with God in little things, and when or if we are ever called upon to give up our lives in siding with Him, for His glory, then, it will be less difficult to do. 
