Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Holy Spirit Guides

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to comeJohn 16:13

Sometimes the Holy Spirit does not verbally tell us, in words, what the truth is that He wants us to know, He guides us to those truths. This is what Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will do when He comes: lead us into all truth. In the passage quoted above, several things can be learned from the ministry of the Holy Spirit; He will guide us into all truth; whatsoever he hears, He will speak; and He will show us things to come. 

In Joel 2:24, the prophet revealed that, in the last days, God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and when this happens, the following things will also happen: our sons and our daughters shall prophesy, our old men shall dream dreams, our young men shall see visions. In this promise of the giving of the Holy Spirit, we can observe that there are two forms of revelation indicated: audio and visual revelations. In the audio revelation (prophecy), the Spirit will speak in an audible way, using the instrument of our voices; while in the visual revolution, He uses forms and images (dreams and visions) to make known the will of God to us. 

In helping us to know the will of God,  the Holy Spirit will often use any of these; since this is what the Spirit does, it will be important that we do not limit our expectations to the audible revelation because He may choose to guide us by some other means other than the audible form. 

(I have a book on this subject titled, Identifying the Voice of God, and it can be gotten from Amazon, or you can DM me to know how you can get it locally).
