Monday, June 1, 2020

God Guides us with His Eye

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8

When we were kids, our parents didn't always have to use word to communicate their dispositions to us, a look at us was sufficient to tell us what to do. With their eyes, they sent their message very clearly, and we got it. Am sure that many of us can relate with what I call the eye language. In the verse of the bible quoted above, we hear God say that He will instruct and teach us in the way we should go, and the means by which He will do it is with His eye.

God, here makes a promise to guide those who trust Him with His eyes. When two people have gotten to know themselves well, they can communicate with each other by simply looking at themselves. God wants to bring us to that point where He is able to communicate with us like this. But you may ask, how can a God who is invisible do this? He can do this by His Spirit in different ways.

When we remember that what God wants to do is to instruct and teach us in the way we should go, then, it will be easy to understand how He can guide us "with His eye". I had said that God does this by His Spirit in different ways. Now let's see how the Spirit of God does this. In my book, Identifying the Voice of God, I made a list of what I called the Indicators of the Holy Spirit, and how, by them, the Holy Spirit instructs and directs us. Some of them include:
1. By prompting us.
2. Restraint
3. Restlessness 
4. Prodding 
5. Nudging 
6. Desires

By any of these, the Holy Spirit is able to guide us in the way that we should go. When God says that He will guide us with His eye, this is what is implied. 
