Saturday, May 30, 2020

Those who Trust in the Lord must also do Good

Trust in the Lord, and do goodPsalm 37:3

As we read through the scriptures, one thing is constantly emphasized: those who trust in the Lord also do good. Trusting in the Lord always results in doing good. It is biblically not possible to trust the Lord and not do good because both are different sides of the same coin. In fact, Ephesians 2:10 makes clear that the object of our salvation is that we do good. This, however is not to be mistaken for good works resulting in salvation, but rather that the faith that saves produces in us a desire to do good. Faith that does not produce the desire to do good is not saving faith. In the words of the Psalmist, we are to "trust the Lord, and do good."

So are you saved? The proof of salvation is the longing to do what is right. This must not be understood as meaning that those who are saved do not experience the pull of the flesh not to do that which is known to be wrong, but that when such pulls come, the Holy Spirit in us produces a much stronger desire to do what will honour and please God. Doing good is implanted in the nature of those who are saved, therefore, once one is saved, the desire to do good also results. However, it is entirely another thing to respond positively to this inbuilt desire to do what is right. We are able to do this as we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. 

Finally, we must say that those who trust in the Lord must also do good. 
