Monday, May 4, 2020

Three Men who Took God at His Word

...And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death... Jesus said to him, "GO YOUR WAY; YOUR SON LIVES." So THE MAN BELIEVED THE WORD THAT JESUS SPOKE to him, AND HE WENT HIS WAY. John 4:46-50

Daily, we are confronted with situations requiring total faith in the word of God, how we respond to God's word at such times will determine the outcome. 

This noble man demonstrated an unusual response to the word of God: he took God at His word. There was nothing in the physical realm to persuade him that it was okay to go home as was instructed by Jesus, yet, he did. The bible says of him "So THE MAN BELIEVED THE WORD THAT JESUS SPOKE to him, AND HE WENT HIS WAY. But remember that he had come for Jesus to go with him to his house and heal his son, yet, when Jesus told him to go, he took Jesus at His word and went. Before he got home, his son had been healed. And it happened at the very hour when Jesus told him to go home. 

Peter was another person who took Jesus at His word. He was washing his nets, after a bad fishing expedition, but Jesus told him to cast his nets again. His response was, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; NEVERTHELESS AT YOUR WORD I will let down the net." 

You know what the outcome was for him and his team: Great success!

Abraham, our father of faith, was another person who took God at His word, and against all odds, God's word came through for him. Consider the odds that stood against God's promise to him: his body was as dead as dead could be; his wife's womb was as good as dead, yet, they took God at His word, and believed. Isaac was the outcome of their faith in God's promise. 

Do you want to see the same kind of intervention? Then, you must learn to take God at His word. It may seem unintelligent, but it will bring into the scene of your circumstance the Omnipotence of God. Only faith activates the power of God. Has God spoken, will He not make it good? 

There is no lack of power in God to do what we desire of Him, according to His will, the problem is that we often don't take Him for His word. We want to see before we believe, but these men believed the moment that the word was spoken, and they saw God's intervention. 

The problem is never with God, it is always with our ability to take God at His word. You can start today and learn to take God at His word; when you do, you will also, like the ancient, begin to experience God's intervention.
