Tuesday, May 5, 2020

And it was Night

So after receiving the morsel he went out immediately; and it was night. John 13:30

Some time ago, I posted this article in my daily devotional, recently, I began again to ponder upon the import of that night in which Christ was betrayed, tried and condemned; and I thought it needful to repost it, peradventure it will minister to someone. Thanks for reading. 

The last part of this verse is a short, but deep commentary that runs through the ages: and it was night. For Judas, the betrayer of his master, it was a night of eternal ruin; for Jerusalem and the nation Israel, it was a night birthing the final rejection of their Messiah; and for the world, it was the night of nights that birthed its most glorious Light. For out of the darkness of this night shun forth the Light that was to lighten its darkness of the ages. What a night!

But for Jesus, it was a night that brought Him to the hour for which He came into this world: to be a ransom for the sin of the world. It was a night much anticipated. It was a night when He will be tried in the court of His enemies and condemned, but the transaction of that night, as horrendous as it was, was bearing upon it the salvation of the whole world. What a night! Out of the injustice that came out of this night came the deliverance of the whole world. 'And it was night.'
