Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causing others to Stumble

"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.Matthew 18:6

In this verse, Jesus speaks of two groups of people, those He referred to as "whosoever," and those He called "little ones." The "whosoever" in this passage is reference to anyone, who, by his actions or deeds, makes someone, who has believed in Christ, to stumble. This is a fearful verse, it shows the premium Jesus places on the life of a single person who has put his faith in Him for salvation. The "little ones" of this verse is reference to anyone who has believed in Christ, not necessarily little in age. In the sight of God, every person who comes to Him through Christ is a little one, and He protects such as a parent would protect an infant.

In this verse, we learn not to be careless in the way we conduct ourselves before those who have put their faith in Christ Jesus, because in  whatever ways our lives impact their faith, it will be required of us. If Jesus said that anyone who causes any of these little ones to stumble will be punished, then we can also say that anyone helping anyone of these little ones to stand in their faith, will also be rewarded.
