Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Act before the door shuts

And the door was shut. Matthew 25:10

There is no door in this life that remains open forever. Someday they all will be shut. Life itself is a door of opportunity given to each of us to serve God, and this door of opportunity will be shut someday. The way we carry on in life sometimes seem as though it is an endless temporal life. But it is not. For both spiritual and temporal things, there is an end to every door of opportunity. The door of salvation is open as long as there is life; only the living can get saved, therefore, while there is life, we should respond to the call of God and obey the gospel, because soon, this door will be shut. 

Every day is a door that opens and shuts, it opens in the morning and shuts at night. Whatever you have to do today must be done in the day before the night comes and the day is shut. Procrastination is an illusion that robs people of the prospects that are in today, therefore, shun every suggestion that there is time tomorrow to do what should be done today. The greatest lament in eternity will be that of lost opportunities that resulted from procrastination of one kind or the other. In the local parlance, they say, make hey while the sun shins. Act before the door is finally shut. 
