Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The law and prophets

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God— the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures 3regarding his Son. Romans 1:1-3

The central theme of the law and prophets is Jesus Christ. All the books of the law and prophets point to the Messiah and everything they predicted about Him  found fulfilment in the one person of Christ. When you accurately divide the scriptures, you cannot fail to trace the thread of this promised Messiah from Genesis first chapter to the scriptures of the NT. How man was made in the image of God and this image of God turns out to be revealed as Jesus Christ who came to the rescue of man that was made to be like Him.

From time to time, God revealed the character and work of the Messiah to the prophets, when the word of the law and prophets is rightly divided, it leads up to the person, office, and work of Christ. Jesus pointed this out to the Jews in John chapter five when He told them that in the law Moses spoke of Him. Someone had rightly said that the New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament. How true. Whatever we do with the Old Testament that does not lead us to Christ is not an appropriate endeavour. 
