Friday, May 22, 2020

Joy that is Independent of Increase of Riches

You have put gladness in my heart,
More than in the season that their grain and wine increased
Psalm 4:7

The joy and gladness that results from the increase in wealth will of necessity depend upon the continuing availability of wealth and riches for it to be sustained. But for those who know God, their joy and gladness SHOULD entirely be dependent upon God. This is because they are established upon a very certain, and unchanging source for their gladness. Things will come and go, but God remains, therefore, their joy also remains. How miserable it is to trust in uncertain riches for gladness and joy. 

Yet, sadly, this is the place where many professing followers of Jesus Christ look to find joy and gladness. And because they trust in their increase of wealth for gladness, they set out in the pursuit of it in the same way as those who do not know Christ. This way, they fail to factor in the truth that their heavenly Father knows that they have such needs, or they are entirely ignorant of the fact that He knows that they have such needs. The outcome is that they join in the rat race of this present age that has its end in unending pursuit for more gain. And, O, what pain and anguish are attendant with this course?
