Monday, May 25, 2020

Feed on the Faithfulness of God

Feed on His faithfulness. Psalm 37:3

What does it mean to feed on the faithfulness of God? To feed is to be nourished with the intake of food. It may also mean to satisfy the body's need for food and nourishment. If this definition of feed is accepted, then we can say that to feed on the faithfulness of God will mean to be nourished by the faithfulness of God. Or to find satisfaction in the faithfulness of God. How can this be done? To answer this question will require that we first understand what the faithfulness of God means. When we say that God is faithful, what do we mean? It means that God is reliable and trustworthy. 

To feed on the faithfulness of God will then be to find satisfaction in His trustworthiness and reliability. It is to rest on the fact of His unfailing nature. When we feed our bodies with food, we are confident that it will provide the nourishment that is required to make us healthy. In the same way, when we feed on the faithfulness of God, we are confident that He will provide all the nourishment that our spirits need to function and be healthy.
