For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Acts 20:29-31
wolves are strangers who have come into the church of God, bought with
His blood, tearing apart the flock, not sparing them, but making
merchandise of them. They come, not for the good of the flocks, but for
the goods of the flock. These come in as pretenders, making themselves
appear as though they are of the flock, wearing every external
appearance of the flock, and thus deceive and plunder them. The church
endangers the flock of God by letting such people into their midst and
giving them place of honour.
to be weary of are those who rise from within the church, they, unlike
the strangers that come into the church, seek to make disciples to
themselves. To accomplish this, they propound doctrines which are
strange to the gospel truths taught in the scriptures, but pleasant to
the ears. Both these are dangerous to the health of the church and must
be resisted whenever and wherever they are found in the church.
(Culled from my book: Strangers in the House of God)