Friday, November 30, 2018

More Important than Sacrifice

"For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings." Hosea 6:6

In this passage, we see God chide the people of Israel regarding their sacrifice. He was not saying that it was wrong to bring sacrifice, but that there are some things that must accompany the sacrifice that He will accept. Such were mercy and the knowledge of God.

I believe that what God said to Israel, He is saying to His people today. Mercy deals with our relationship with other people and how we deal with them when they are in need of our compassion. We can't mistreat those who are made in the image of God and hope that our sacrifice to God will be accepted.

The next thing, the knowledge of God, has to do with our walk with God. God told Israel that He was not as interested in their sacrifice as He was with their knowledge of Him. In other words, God was saying to Israel that their knowledge of Him will ensure that they brought acceptable sacrifice. There knowledge of Him ensured that they walked in the center of His will. How true! If we have an appropriate knowledge of God, we will naturally offer appropriate sacrifice to Him. Our knowledge of God will also ensure that we treat others with love and respect. So, are you bringing a sacrifice to God? These two things must have to be in place: mercy and the knowledge of God.
