Thursday, August 16, 2018

Jesus is the Message

For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2  KJV

The question every preacher must ask regarding each message that he preaches is, where is Jesus in my presentation of the gospel? If he doesn't see Him in the context and content of his message, he should know that what he has is not the message given by the Holy Spirit, it's his own message, because whenever the Holy Spirit gives a message, both its context and content will point to Jesus, for His main work on the earth is to glorify Jesus by showing Him to the world as Lord. By this shall a preacher judge his work of preaching: that Jesus occupies the central place in his message.

This way, Jesus becomes not just a part of the message preached, but the message preached. It is this message that the Holy Spirit confirms. So is Jesus your message? If He is not, then you must look for another means by which your message will be confirmed, not the Holy Spirit. Sadly, many people are content with having what they term the good-message, rather than the Gospel message, which is Jesus Christ. When this happens, no significant changes are found in the lives of those who embrace such messages even though they profess Christ. This failure is a consequence of the lifeless message that they have heard and believed. Any message that is not Christ, is destitute, and is comparable to a yokeless egg. As such an egg cannot bring forth life, so will a Christ-less message fail to produce life in those who imbibe in.
