Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Because of Christmas

The birth of Jesus Christ birthed many other things in the world. It brought, for example, relationships that would never have been, but for it. Today's DEVOTIONAL is a testimonial to what I mean. What connects me to most recipients of the devotional is the fact that God came in the form of man. So, as I thank God for what you mean to me, I am in actual fact thanking God, for only by Christmas could such great relationships have been possible. 

I am sure, that like me, you have great relationships that you cherish, which could naturally have been impossible, but for Christmas. So as you celebrate Christmas, remember to thank God for all the great people He brought into your life because they were possible only because of Christmas. As we celebrate Christmas, we also celebrate our relationships made possible because God became man at Christmas. So, you are a part of my celebration in this season. Shalom!

Once again, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. 
