Friday, August 17, 2018

Multiple Fold Restoration on its Way

Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning;for he had fourteen thousand sheep... in all the land were found no women so beautiful as the daughters of Job. Job 42:12, 15

Unknown to Bildad, what he claimed would have saved Job's children from harm's way was something that Job had been consistently doing. This is the folly of misguided counsel. Job not only made supplication to God for his children, he also offered sacrifices to the Lord, peradventure they by any chance cursed God in their hearts.

Bildad went on to charge Job of not being pure and upright, for if he was, by now God would have brought him out of his misery and restored him in prosperity. How entirely misguided his counsel was, because the testimony of God regarding Job is that he was an upright man and blameless man.

At least Bildad finally hinted at something close to the truth of the matter when he uttered a prophetic word regarding the situation of Job, even though he may not have meant it in a prophetic way. "Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase." Are you like Job, going through some stuff that is hard for you to comprehend nor bear? Have you lost what seems impossible, naturally speaking, to recover? Then listen, the same God that restored to Job multiple fold of all that he lost, is at work behind the scene orchestrating the events that will usher in the multiple fold restoration to you. Hallelujah!!!
