Monday, August 20, 2018

God in the Midst of Our Troubles

In the day of my troubles I sought the Lord... I remembered God, and was troubled... Psalm 77:3

This is an irony, for how can one remember God and be troubled? It would be expected that the person in trouble, when he remembers God, should be comforted. But here, we read that he was troubled upon remembering God. How can we make sense of this?

Let's remember that this man knows God and follows Him, but the things he is experiencing makes it seem as if God was not with him. What was his trouble upon remembering God? First it may be the thought of whether he had believed in vain; it may also be the fact that what he was experiencing negated everything he had been told about God and those who believe in Him. And because his experience did not match with his dogma of God, he was naturally troubled, and in his troubled state, he complained and his spirit was overwhelmed.

:10 - And I said, this is my infirmity.

One thing that came clear to him is that the problem was not with God, but with him. Having taken responsibility for how things were, he was set to address the situation by remembering the years of the right hand of God. He recalled God's ancient deliverances, and so reestablished his faith. Remembering God's mercies of yester years has the power to sustain us in a time of severe trouble. David did this when he came against the threat of Goliath.

The next significant thing the psalmist did in his travail was to quit meditating on the situation and turned his meditation on the greatness of God. But in addition to meditating on the greatness of God, he turned from talking about his sorrows, to talking about the greatness of God and His works. From this time going forward, his words were filled with the testimonies of the ancient antecedents of God. If God could bring Israel out from Egypt, sustained them through their journey in the wilderness, gave their fathers the land occupied by stronger nations than them, then, if he was correctly evaluating his present situation, he must conclude that God will also see him through in his present trouble if He was trusted.

For you and me, our surest testimony of the greatness of God is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Nothing in the natural can be as dead as death, when it happens, yet, God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead has shown us that He can be relied upon to turn things around no matter how dead our circumstances may seem to be.
