Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Holy Spirit (Part 2)

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. John 16:13-14

Yesterday we began to look at the person of the Holy Spirit and how to determine who may or may not be acting or speaking by Him. Today, we shall continue in that discussion.

He is a humble and inconspicuous person. He is not an arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed (full of himself), egotistical personality. When you see arrogance in the life of a person, it calls for caution.
He is a polite and gentle Person. He is not a taxing personality. He is a burden remover. He does not expect from anyone more than He has enabled him. Anything you observe in a person's life that is not consistent with these will indicate that the Holy Spirit is not involved in what is being said or done.
He is considerate, selfless and thoughtful. He is not an insensitive, unsympathetic, callous, pitiless personality.

He will not use anyone whose personality traits are at variance with His. He will rather suspend the work than use such an instrument, because to use such an instrument will be to endorse him or her. Example of the prophet Elisha and his dead bones.

Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus said that when He comes, He will remind us of the things He (Jesus) said and will not speak of Himself. If we take Jesus literally, it will mean that the Holy Spirit will only tell us things already spoken by Jesus and will not tell us anything new. Whatever He tells us must be related to something that Jesus already spoke about. When this is not taken into account, people will make many claims of what in their minds they assume that the Holy Spirit is telling them.
God does nothing nor says anything on earth, except by the Holy Spirit. This truth is important, for if anyone comes to you and says that God spoke to him, what he is saying is that the Holy Spirit spoke to him. But what he claims that the Holy Spirit told him must be verified by examining the content and context of what is said. It is only the Holy Spirit that knows the thoughts of God and through Him God makes known to us His mind. 1 Cor 2:11
