Friday, July 27, 2018

Being in Church and being in Christ

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified. 2 Corinthians 13:5

Sometimes we mistake being in church for being in Christ. There is grave danger when we suppose that the two are the same. Being in Christ naturally places one in the church of God, but merely being in church doesn't automatically place one in Christ. So how does one come into Christ to make being in church meaningful? 

Jesus preached, saying, repent and believe; the apostles preached the same, making belonging to the kingdom of God subsequent on repentance and faith. To be in church without repentance, is to be without Christ. Unfortunately, this is the grave danger that face many unconverted in church. Someone may ask, how can I know that I am an unconverted church attendant? Great question. 

Jesus answers this question in a very simple but practical way when He said, by their fruit you shall know them. A tree must produce after its kind. Or said differently, a tree is known by the fruit it bears. When a person repents and believes the gospel, a most wonderful thing happens: a transition takes place. In the words of the apostle Paul, such a person is translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God's dear Son. This transition equally results in a changed lifestyle. But to claim to be born of God and yet live like a child of the devil, is first signal that one is merely making an unsubstantiated claim of being in Christ. This is not saying that entrance into the kingdom of God comes by changing how we behave, but rather, that coming into the kingdom of God brings about a change in how we live.

Should such a person, who is only in church and not in Christ die in this state, he/she would have transited from church to hell. Meanwhile, people will be saying of such a person that he has gone to be with Christ, when during his lifetime he was never in Christ. Transiting from church to hell is a frightening possibility, hence the need for this warning; but the greatest security against eternal damnation is found only in Christ. 

For those of us who are cumbered with the great responsibility of guiding people to God, the distinction of being in church and being in Christ needs to be made because there are many people in the church who are not in Christ.
