Thursday, July 26, 2018

Grace Warns of the Danger of Hell

Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God... Romans 11:22

Contemporary teachers of grace viciously attack any mention of hell, as though it is alien to scripture, asserting that it is not good news, which the gospel is. Yes, hell is not good news, but how can the good news be adequately presented without warning of the danger of rejecting the hope it offers. The assertion that hell is not good news will be right if hell becomes the message. But is it consistent with the nature of grace to warn people about the reality of a place Jesus called hell? 

When grace is understood as telling of only the goodness of God, then the severity of God, which the scriptures speak about is overlooked to the detriment of sinners. The true message of grace cannot just tell of the goodness of God, it also warns of the severity of God. Grace cannot make any sense if its message excludes warning sinners of the wrath of God. If God is not wrathful towards sin, then why did Jesus need to come to the earth to die for the sin of the world.

To be sure, there's a place known as hell, all who reject the gospel end there. Hell is a real place, and Jesus severally warned people against it. Yes, hell is not the message of grace, yet, you can't honestly present grace without warning of the danger inherent in rejecting the hope it offers. I agree that grace doesn't throw hell at people, it presents to a dying world the message of hope, yet, it never fails to warn of the eternal consequence of being eternally separated from God in a place called hell when its offer of salvation is rejected.

This is the message that grace brings, for how can a good God fail to warn of the eternal danger that awaits all who reject His offer of salvation?
