Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hallelujah Jesus is Alive

The devil thought the plan for the salvation of mankind has been truncated by the death of Christ on the cross. But he rejoiced too soon. His celebrations were cut short. It is sad news for the devil but good news for you and me.

What is the good news? The good news is that Jesus is alive. Yes, the same Jesus that was crucified. He is risen and He is alive for ever more. Jesus the only way to the Father, the only way to salvation is alive.

Have you ever thought of what would have become of you and me if Christ had not risen? If His body had been corrupted like the bodies of the founders of other religions? Now consider these:

• There would not have been any Good News to preach.
• Satan and his demons would have taken total control of our lives.
• We all would have been sure candidates for hell.

Glory be to God, Jesus rose as He promised. He accomplished His purpose which is to redeem us all from the bondage of sin and Satan. He remains the only person to have died and rose and lives again. Therefore, we that believe in Him have hope of rising with Him on the Last Day. If you have put your faith in Him and you remain in Him, there is hope for you and if you are yet to accept Him as your Lord and personal Saviour, it is not too late if you take that step NOW. But delay might be dangerous. Tomorrow may just be too late. He is standing at and knocking the door of your heart now. Why not open the door of your heart to Him now. He will come in and dine with you. You will become one of His. Yes, just like that, irrespective of your past. Your past does not matter to Him. He is only interested in your future. Accept Him now and experience total turn around.

Now that you are a child of God, you are now a special and very important person to God and to us.

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