Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Virus Thoughts

Author: Pastor Toni
The mind is the seat of continual traffic and each of us must be careful to ensure that only what builds our personality are permitted entry into it. The mind is also the centre of spiritual warfare. Satan wants to gain control of our mental life to destroy us and God wants also to do the same but for our welfare. To gain control, satan interjects what I call virus thoughts into our minds but he must totally depend on what we do with such thoughts to accomplish his desires against us. If we are unable to detect such thoughts as thoughts interjected into our minds by satan, we will receive them into our minds and begin to meditate on them. It is meditating on these virus thoughts that give them power of stay until they become strongholds in us. Their main characteristic is that they are lies but tailored to represent and suit our present conditions, thereby making them seem as our rational thoughts that have their origin in our minds.
Such thoughts are to our minds what viruses are to our computers. If we don’t realize that the virus is not generated from our computers, we are likely to open such virus files and cause damage to our computers. In the same way, if we don’t recognize that these virus thoughts are interjected into our minds from satan, we are most likely to open our minds to them and cause our lives great damage. What we do to virus files we detect in our computers must be what we do to these virus thoughts that we detect in our minds: delete them. When we don’t delete them, we end up believing in the lies that satan has so craftily told. Sadly, many Christians have believed satan’s lies so well told that they are living a lie and expecting to benefit from what God’s word has promised. satan is smart and subtle and will use every trick in his book to get us to follow him without realizing that it is him we are following. So, according to a Nigerian slang, ‘shine your eye well-well’ because you are up against a smart and wicked adversary.