Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Dying Soldier Finds Life

Bert's hit and he's down, "Shouted Jim. He could see that Bert's wound was fatal. The fighting was intense along the "Traverse Trench" in France during World War I. As Jim tried to stop the bleeding, he was startled by Bert's dying request: "Can you tell me the way to heaven?"

Jim moved closer and said, "Bert, I'm sorry. I don't know the way. But I'll ask the others." He ran along the trench asking those nearby, but no one knew. The request was passed down the line to sixteen men. None of them knew the way to heaven. Think of it. These young soldiers from a so-called "Christian country could not help their dying friend. They were all facing death, but none knew the way to heaven!

When a man is dying on the battlefield he needs the truth—not opinions or speculation. Good works, baptism, confirmation, communion and rituals were not going to help Bert who was dying in a ditch somewhere in France. He knew he was a sinner, and what he desperately needed was the Saviour.

Could you have told Bert the way to heaven? Could you have opened the Bible and pointed out God's plan of salvation? It is there in plain language. But do you know where?

Back in the trench, the request continued down the line: "Bert's dying and wants to know the way to heaven. Who can tell him?" Finally, the 17th soldier replied, "I know the way, but I can't leave my position." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small Bible and opened it to John 3:16."Read this verse to Bert. Tell him to listen carefully. This is the way to heaven."

Quickly the message and the Bible were passed along the trench to Jim who took it to his friend and said: "Bert, I've got it. Listen carefully. Here's the way to heaven: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" [John 3:16].

Bert's eye opened wide."Read it again," he said. With tears in his eye, Jim repeated those life-giving words. A look of peace came over Bert's face as he whispered "whoever believes." After a moment, his face lit up. He smiled and whispered, "I do believe," and was gone from the battlefield to be with Christ. Bert Smith found the way to heaven just in time.

As a soldier, I also knew that I was a sinner: "All have sinned" [Romans 3:23]. And I found that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. He said: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." He also said, "I am the door. If anyone enters by me he will be saved" [John 14:6; 10:9].

The Bible says, "There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved" [Acts 4:12]. It also says, "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life" [John 3:36]. There is only one way to heaven. Don't wait until you are dying to trust Jesus as your Saviour. You may not have the chance Bert had."Seek the Lord while He may be found" [Isaiah 55:6]. Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Accept Jesus Christ today.

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