Friday, July 3, 2020

The Trial of your Faith

That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:7

Gold, in ancient times, was the most precious commodity, and it was tested by fire to prove that it was not mingled with other properties. When gold passes through the fire, the object was to rid it of every impurity leaving it entirely pure gold. Without this testing, one may have what appears to be gold, but actually is only so in appearance. The fire shows what quality gold is made of. 

With regard to our faith, like gold, its genuineness is proven by testing. You cannot know the genuineness of the faith that has not been tested. According to Apostle Peter, this is why God will allow us to be tested, therefore, when we go through the difficulties of life, it is actually our faith that is on trial to prove its genuineness. 

If gold, which is a corruptible commodity is taken such rigorous process to ascertain its quality, how much more will our faith, which is more precious than gold, be tested to ascertain its genuineness. This, ultimately, is the reason why the believer is allowed to experience various trials in his life. So, every time you are faced with trials of any sort, know that it is your faith that is being tested to prove it. 

When a person says that he will give up everything for God, it is a great thing, but this will remain only a claim until it is proven to be true, and the only way to prove that it is true is to put that claim to test. The teat may come in different ways; it could be the loss of something very valuable, and almost irreplaceable. At such times, will continue to say that God is good? At other times, it may be a threat to your life: renounce Christ and live, or acknowledge Him and die. But one thing must be clear to us: God will never leave you to yourself at such times of testing, He will be there with you in the person of the Holy Spirit. 

God does all of this in order for our faith to be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. 
