Thursday, June 11, 2020

Let's Consider Jesus

God became man

Was tempted as a man

Lived fully as a man, but without sin 

Suffered death as a man 

Buried as a man 

Rose from death as a man, never to die again, but lives in an unbroken fellowship with God as the God-Man. 

He ascended into heaven as a man, and is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. 

All of these He did, in our behalf, to bring us to God. 

We can rejoice because we have a living Saviour representing us in the court of heaven where it matters the most. 

When we come to Jesus, we come to the new beginning made possible by His resurrection. 

So welcome to that fresh new start today because in Christ old things are passed away and all things become new. 

Christ's resurrection assures us that our hope of a future, personal resurrection is valid. A hope beyond anything that can be imagined.

Christianity is grounded in a claim about history that is verifiable. It is not a speculative philosophy, but rather the revelation of Christ's salvation in space & time recorded in history. 

In the words of John Gresham Machen: "Christianity is not something that was invented, but something that happened." How true!