Friday, June 12, 2020

Jesus Took the Nails for you

Death is the debt that resulted from sin; this debt, no one can pay, therefore, in His love for us, God sent His only begotten Son to come into the world as a man to pay our sin debt, which could not otherwise be discounted. 

On the cross, Jesus bore the anguish of death, His feet and hands were nailed to the wooden cross upon which He hung between the earth and heaven in order to connect sinful, earthly man to an infinitely holy heavenly Father. This is the story of redemption so accurately captured in the words of Jesus, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". Have you believed in Him? If not, do so now because delay is dangerous; this is the day of salvation, don't put it off for tomorrow because you can't guarantee what happens tomorrow! 

You were on His mind when those nails were driven through His hands and feet; it was your sins that did this; maybe, He hoped that you will someday come to the realization that He did this because of His love for you. So, think wisely, and remember, He took those nails for you!
